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Fátima Lorena Báez González


One of the main problems that can arise in the educational process of children with Down Syndrome in national institutions is the lack of early stimulation, due to the difficulties they present in the processing of information, both in reception and in its application to concrete situations. The methodology used in this study is a qualitative approach. The present study addresses early stimulation in the teaching-learning process, with the main objective of analyzing the incidence of early stimulation in children with Down Syndrome in a Special Educational Center in the city of Encarnación. An interview was conducted with the Early Stimulation professional and observation of the students and professionals was carried out. The results highlighted the skills developed through different stimulation activities and the benefits obtained from these activities. The main conclusion was that early stimulation through visual, auditory and sensory support positively influences the teaching and learning process of children with Down syndrome, by strengthening their development from an early age and through stimulation of various areas. Working in an interdisciplinary team made up of physiotherapists, psycho pedagogues, psychologists and psychotherapists from the first years of life and addressing various areas, a positive result in their development is strengthened.

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How to Cite
Báez González , F. L. (2022). EARLY STIMULATION IN THE TEACHING-LEARNING PROCESS IN STUDENTS WITH DOWN SYNDROME. UNIHumanitas, 10(01), 37–42. Retrieved from https://revistas.uni.edu.py/index.php/unihumanitas/article/view/594
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Author Biography

Fátima Lorena Báez González , Universidad Nacional de Itapúa Facultad de Humanidades, Ciencias Sociales y Cultura Guaraní

Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de Itapúa, Itapúa, Paraguay