Construction of critical and reflective thinking in middle school students

Construction of critical and reflective thinking in middle school students




Critical thinking, Education, Strategies, Methodologies, Constructivism


The present research focuses on the philosophical foundations impregnated in Paraguayan education and its influence on the thoughts of middle school students, specifically in the Colegio Nacional General José Eduvigis Díaz and the Centro de Educación Media para personas Jóvenes y Adultos, year 2020. The general objective was to analyze the importance of philosophical thinking in Paraguayan education that is relevant to the construction of critical and reflective thinking of middle school students. The methodology corresponds to the mixed approach, where qualitative data of phenomenological character and quantitative data corresponding to the descriptive analysis were merged. The most relevant results indicate from the students' perspective that in the classroom, understanding is practiced more frequently, followed by honesty, cooperation and solidarity; from the teachers' point of view, they indicate that they work on the development of personality and the practice of values. Citizenship with a critical spirit is built through responsibility, the development of creativity and reflective thinking is encouraged through strategies such as questions and research on their own initiative with the support and guidance of teachers.


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How to Cite

Colmán Martínez , S. J. ., & Cáceres Rolín , E. D. . (2021). Construction of critical and reflective thinking in middle school students. Journal on Studies and Research of Academic Knowledge, (15), e2021014.



Research Articles

