CO2 generating variables in the Transport and industry sector of Paraguay
Carbon Dioxide, Transport, Industry, Climate changeAbstract
Actions related to climate change are part of the United Nations objectives. Stopping the increase of the global average temperature is a responsibility that belongs to all of the countries in the world. Paraguay, despite not being a major emitter of carbon dioxide, due to its geographical location and high temperatures it will be one of the countries most affected by climate change, which is why it must vigorously accompany the reductions in emissions of greenhouse effect gases. That is why this research aims to analyze the variables of carbon dioxide emissions emitted by the transport and industry sectors in Paraguay. as a consequence of population growth, economic growth, intensity and oil prices. The variables have different behaviors in each sectors. The increase in GDP per Capita generates more important changes in carbon dioxide emissions in the transport sector than in the industry sector. However, in the industry sector, the increase in population has been a more sensitive variable in the generation of carbon dioxide in relation to the transport sector. Finally, the results obtained through multiple regression models are presented, using Ordinary Least Squares and Generalized Least Squares methods.
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