Jóvenes de la Generación Millennials de la Carrera de Ciencias de la Educación
Higher Education, Learning; Millennials, Youth employmentAbstract
This research is about young people of the millennial generation of the Bachelor of Science in Education of the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Guaraní Culture of the National University of ItapúaParaguay, year, 2019; the general objective was to analyze the characteristics of the millennial generation youth; The methodology corresponds to the mixed approach with analytical scope, because qualitative and quantitative data were collected and analyzed through statistical graphs and interpretations of the characteristics of this generation; semistructured questionnaires validated by experts Were used as an instrument the most relevant results show that the majority of millennial students come from disintegrated families and live with one of the parents, others live in rent and are economically dependent; In the workplace, most do not work, however, a significant percentage do work and others do some non-fixed work activities and study. In academics, the result indicates that the majority of teacher’s work using the methodology of aulic project (38 %), after extension (31%) and to a lesser degree of research (6 %).Millennials live with technological tools, are self-taught, anxious, expect rewards and live in an increasingly interrelated and virtually hyperconnected world.
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