La escritura académica de los estudiantes de ingeniería de la Universidad Nacional de Itapúa
academic writing, academic literacy, reading and writingAbstract
It is common in the daily work of teachers of the Itapúa National University, they may make comments about the students read little, expressed difficulty in understanding what they read and have serious problems in expressing their ideas in writing. The analysis and description of the organizational culture in terms of academic writing of university students realize it is indeed so. However, in contrast, teachers should be made aware of the need to accompany with inclusive strategies, as well as production and analysis of required texts in college to learn from their owndisciplines.
This is the first study about the concept of academic literacy, conducted in the first years of the careers of Civil Engineering, Electromechanics and Agriculture. The data that are generated from it, serve the decision-making in this institution for realizing greater achievements in terms of institutional quality educational goals.
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