Evaluación de la sanidad de semilla de arroz (Oryza sativa L.) en Paraguay
Oryza sativa L., pathogens, seed, health testingAbstract
Samples of rice (Oryza sativa L.) from the 2009/2010 harvest were collected from major rice production areas in Paraguay for seed health testing of three commercial varieties, using Blotter test method. Taxonomic keys and manuals for the identification of genera and species. were used. Results indicated that there were 14 fungal species found in samples from Itapúa, Misiones e Itapúa: Alternaria padwickii, Drechslera sp, Fusarium sp, Penicillium sp, Aspergillus flavus, Rhizopus stolonifer, Curvularia lunata, Pyricularia oryzae, Phoma sorghina, Cladosporium sp, Alternaria sp, Nigrospora sp, Epiccoccum purpurascens and Acremoniella spp.The highest incidence recorded on rice seed were Alternaria padwickii (17.9%) Fusarium sp (10.3%) , Penicillium (7.0%) sp and Aspergillus (6.5%). These fungi were found on all seed samples analized. No much difference in seed pathogens infection in seed samples collected from three locations were recognized. This work is the first report of the rice seed health in Paraguay.
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