Feminicidio en Paraguay, una cuestión de género
Gender, Feminicide, EncarnaciónAbstract
The research was based on feminicide, whichalready leads us to consider the gender perspective in order to tackle it, as a general objective we proposed: Discriminate the factors that lead to feminicide; and as specific objectives: Determinate the psychological factors of a feminicide; Distinguish the causes and social consequences of femicide, and establish alternative solutions, through social projects. Methodologically an investigation of the mixed type was carried out, the research level was Analytical; having as a sample to authorities immissive in the subject, of Encarnación´s city. The most outstanding results have shown that it is a problem that still requires a lot to be done to solve it and, which is very marked in today's society, conclusively it is necessary that more public policies be installed to help solve this growing problem, for various reasons, social, psychological and cultural, as well as making society aware of this evil and collaborating to solve it.
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