Justicia Juvenil Restaurativa El nuevo paradigma
Restorative Justice, Violating teenager, Criminal lawAbstract
This work is about Restorative Justice, specifically Restorative Juvenile Justice. Such an approach has become necessary considering that it is a peaceful and restorative system with a different approach in order to deal with criminal offenses. The purpose of this study was to learn about the new paradigm called Restorative Juvenile Justice, its application that places emphasis on the subjects directly affected by the commission of crimes (victim, offender and community), brief comments about its application in other countries and the review of the program carried out in our country, called: Adolescent Criminal Restorative Justice Pilot Plan, Lambaré, Paraguay. This task was accomplished through a bibliographic investigation of text analysis, laws, and the revision of the Restorative Program that was carried out in the Republic of Paraguay. The investigation showed that Restorative Juvenile Justice has achieved positive results in its application and a wide acceptance as a means to face the crimescommitted by adolescent offenders.
Acordada 917/ 14 dictada por la Corte Suprema de Justicia del Paraguay. Por la cual se resuelve ratificar el contenido de la Declaración de Lima sobre Justicia Juvenil Restaurativa.
Acordada 1023/15 dictada por la Corte Suprema de Justicia del Paraguay. Por la cual se aprueba el reglamento de Mediación Penal de Adolescentes en conflicto con la ley penal.
Acordada 633/10 dictada por la Corte Suprema de Justicia del Paraguay. Reglas de Brasilia.
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Ley N° 1286/98 Código Procesal Penal
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