La Problemática del Sujeto en el Currículum
habitus, field, main curricular discourse, discourse practice, curricular approach, subjectivity, empowermentAbstract
It is the aim of this article to have a look at the issue of "the construction of the pedagogical subject" from the point of view of the different rationalities involved in the development of the curriculum in the teaching practices and the educational actions it originates. A process which because of its depth and durañon, determines a track that signals a certain tendency concerning subjectivity, individuation and socialization, which becomes visible in the configuration of types of identity resulting from paríiculnr views of man, the world and society. To achieve this aim, the most relevant features of the curricular approaches are analyzed in connection with the treatment they make of their essential components: objectives, teaching, learning, methodology and evaluation, ways of interaction, etc.
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