Evaluación del poder antifúngico de los extractos de romero, menta y salvia sobre hongos que atacan a las naranjas

Evaluación del poder antifúngico de los extractos de romero, menta y salvia sobre hongos que atacan a las naranjas


  • Patricia Noemi Martinez Universidad Nacional de Itapúa. Encarnación, Paraguay.




Medicinal herb, deterioration, inhibitory, liquid solid extraction


The main aim of this research was to determine the inhibitory activity of the extracts of rosemary, mint and sage on fungi that normally are responsible for the decomposition of orange in the local market of the city of Encarnación, order to subject these citrus to the action of these extracts.

The strains that were found and used for inhibition tests were Penicilium digitatum, Penicilium italicum and Aspergillus niger.

The leaves from herbs were harvested, and processed for obtaining extracts by three different methods: organic solvent extraction, extraction by simple distillation and liquid solid extraction.

The inhibitory activity of the different extracts was demonstrated by using agar diffusion with holes on nutrient agar Sabouraud Dextrose.

With the holes test on agar, inhibitory halos were observed from the extracts of rosemary, mint and sage which were obtained by maceration for the three strains and no extract inhibition were visualized by extraction with organic solvent and by simple distillation and extraction.

It was demonstrated that the extract of rosemary obtained by maceration showed a higher inhibitory halo strains in comparison to the extracts of mint and sage obtained by the same method.


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Author Biography

Patricia Noemi Martinez, Universidad Nacional de Itapúa. Encarnación, Paraguay.

Profesora Investigadora de la Universidad Nacional de Itapúa, Paraguay


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How to Cite

Martinez, P. N. (2013). Evaluación del poder antifúngico de los extractos de romero, menta y salvia sobre hongos que atacan a las naranjas. Journal on Studies and Research of Academic Knowledge, (7), 28–32. https://doi.org/10.70833/rseisa7item96



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