Impacto Ambiental de la nueva configuración urbana de la ciudad de Encarnación por la relocalización de pobladores afectados por el embalse de la represa de Yacyretá
urban development, environmental impact, vegetationAbstract
The current popu l at i on growth and urban development in Encarnación city had changes to have caused significant impacts on the environmental aspect of the region, changing land use, increased traffic flow, poor public services network and difficulties due to the increase of population in certain urban areas.
Given this, we conducted a study on the environmental conditions in urban areas relocated.
The research was descriptive techniques being data collection: direct observation, measurement noise and traffic on site and interviews with residents in relocation of San Isidro neighborhood.
The main results indicate that despite the great change in terms of land use, there is still natural vegetation, trees and shrubs with abundant pasture nearby, and planted with trees and shrubs in growth in public areas (sidewalks) and yards private (not yet provide shade).
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DI PACE María et all (1.997) Gestión ambiental urbana. Buenos Aires, Instituto Internacional de Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo, HED-Aca. Latina.
Publicaciones consultadas:
BRITES, Walter Fernando La costanera y los barrios de población relocalizada. CONICET-UNAM 2.010
GREEN EUROPEAN FUNDATION (GEF) Ciudades Sostenibles para el siglo XXI 2.009
HARDOY Ana (2.002) compilación de publicaciones de Hardoy Jorge y Morse Richard
YUNEN, Rafael Emilio adaptado de Hardoy 1.993
Material consultado en la web:
FNUAP (Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas) Informe anual 2.004. Pobreza, población y desarrollo consultado en y en
Manual de diseño para edificaciones energéticamente eficientes en el trópico, Venezuela, consultado en www.fau.ucv/idec
Residuos sólidos urbanos, consultado
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