Modelos de administración de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción y de la Universidad Nacional de Itapúa

Modelos de administración de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción y de la Universidad Nacional de Itapúa


  • Viviana Cano
  • Zully López



administrations models, organitations, quality parameters


The objective of this paperwork is to investigate the different types of administration model used in public Universities and how those models  are apply to their organizations.

To analyze the different types of existing administrations models and how those models are used to improve the functioning and to maximize the resources and the company´s result.

A process is the joint of systematic activities used in an organization to satisfy specific demands of the costumers, being this, goods or services. In conclusión costumers are who establish the wished parameters of quality and assure that the transformations rich the global gold set by the organization.

Actually there are no organization totally centralize and decentralize, the most important is that when the situation is ana l yzed, the i mpor tance of centra l i zat i on and decentralization be considered in order to make decisions according to the strategic needs to be established for each organization. In this particular case, public universities.

There is no unique model to define a system or an operational process; it would depend on the objectives, the philosophy and the strategy to be apply, as well as the conditions and the human and financial resources available.

The Centralization and decentralization is a matter of balance, based in the culture and stage in which organization move. It is just a matter of  study of  the needs of every organization.


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Author Biographies

Viviana Cano

Magister en Administración de la Universidad Nacional de Itapúa (UNI).

Zully López

Magister en Administración de la Universidad Nacional de Itapúa (UNI).


Estatuto Universidad Nacional Itapuá.

Estatuto Universidad Nacional de Asunción

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How to Cite

Cano, V., & López, Z. (2011). Modelos de administración de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción y de la Universidad Nacional de Itapúa. Journal on Studies and Research of Academic Knowledge, (5), 69–72.



Research Articles

