Extracción y caracterización de almidón de maíz (zea mays) a partir de variedades amiláceas producidas en el departamento de Itapúa

Extracción y caracterización de almidón de maíz (zea mays) a partir de variedades amiláceas producidas en el departamento de Itapúa


  • Lucía Müller Velázquez Universidad Nacional de Itapúa. Encarnación, Paraguay.




starch, corn, characterization


The quality of corn starch (Zea mays L) extracted from two varieties developed in the department of Itapúa (GV-252 and GV-253), was determined. By application of simple methodology of wet milling, starch was extracted with very good degree of purity, fine texture and white color. The moisture ranged between 9 and 10 g% and ashes 0.110 g% for both varieties. Protein and fat were slightly higher than commercial standards. The paste properties of both varieties are typical of corn starch, the pasting temperature was 80°C. The viscosity at the start of heating to 95° C and then half an hour at this temperature show very little difference (B / A = 1 and 0.81 for GV-252 and GV-253 respectively). During cooling to 50° C increased the viscosity indicating their tendency to retrogradation. (620 UB for GV-252 and 712 UB for GV-253), however, the paste exhibits good stability once cooked and cooled to 50 ° C (570 UB GV-252 GV and 640 UB-253). Enzymatic hydrolysis was performed up to values of 40 DE from being a dark brown syrup and slightly sweet. Starches of both varieties are of good quality and can be used as thickeners, stabilizers and gelling agents in refrigerated and frozen foods.


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Author Biography

Lucía Müller Velázquez, Universidad Nacional de Itapúa. Encarnación, Paraguay.

Profesora Investigadora de la Universidad Nacional de Itapúa


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Normas locales e internacionales: CODEX ALIMENTARIUS, INTN, MERCOSUR, AOAC, IRAM.



How to Cite

Müller Velázquez, L. (2011). Extracción y caracterización de almidón de maíz (zea mays) a partir de variedades amiláceas producidas en el departamento de Itapúa. Journal on Studies and Research of Academic Knowledge, (5), 46–50. https://doi.org/10.70833/rseisa5item71



Research Articles

