Initial Parallel Corpus Creation and Statistical Machine Translation Experiments for Spanish Guarani pair of Languages
Parallel corpus, Bilingual corpus, Statistical machine translation, GuaraníAbstract
This paper introduces the work that has been done to collect sentences in Spanish and Guaraní to create a bilingual corpus. This corpus might serve as a baseline for the creation of linguistic technology related to the pair of languages. In this article, the focus is on machine translation from Spanish to Guaraní. Guaraní is an under-resourced language that suffers from digital resource insufficiency. This prevents the language from thriving in terms of technology development. To generate the bilingual corpus, digital resources available on the cloud have been used. Furthermore, a web platform called Guampa has been employed to generate new phrases collaboratively. Statistical data related to the corpus is presented along with initial experiments for Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) using Moses platform. The results serve as a starting point for future research in the area.
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