Migration, inequality and labor segregation through the global care crises

Migration, inequality and labor segregation through the global care crises



Migration, Work, Discrimination, Gender, Care


Migration is a demographic variable, influenced by economic, social and political factors. This definition is no less considering that certain typically feminized and poorly paid jobs such as care work have the characteristic that those who perform it are migrant women from developing countries, who in turn leave their own care (unpaid) to take care of others (paid); generating a crisis situation in what the literature calls the global chain of care. The objective of this work was to propose a reflection using bibliographic-documentary and statistical analysis from national and international sources. Among the results it can be mentioned that global care chains are constantly led by women, where aspects of inequality (and discrimination) towards migrants are evident, based on the illegal situation in which they find themselves and whose vulnerability allows reproducing a model of labor exploitation (badly paid, without rest, without pensions). It is concluded that questioning the platform of care systems within the countries means questioning the global care strategies, therefore, the coordination of the countries from the different economic blocks is recommended with a view to making the work of care visible. care as tasks that deserve to be addressed as decent work, considering the various demographic changes that all regions are going through where dependents will increasingly demand care services.


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How to Cite

Achinelli Báez, M. F. . (2022). Migration, inequality and labor segregation through the global care crises. Journal on Studies and Research of Academic Knowledge, (17), e2023001. Retrieved from https://revistas.uni.edu.py/index.php/rseisa/article/view/339



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