Nivel y características de la ocupación laboral de profesionales egresados de tres carreras, FACEA, Sede Encarnación

Nivel y características de la ocupación laboral de profesionales egresados de tres carreras, FACEA, Sede Encarnación


  • Nilse Graciela Ferreira Altamirano


employment status, satisfaction, academic level, hierarchical levels, positions, areas of employment, benefits and expectations


The research examines the level and addressed the features presented by a group of professional graduates from the Commercial Engineering, Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting and Administration, with respect to their current occupation. We answer questions on forms of employment, satisfaction provided and regarded to their task, assessments of academic training received, among other variables. The objectives are to analyze the level of employment and job characteristics, describe the areas and positions held, to investigate the acquired skills, personal satisfaction and the perception of employers towards professional performance. The research is exploratory-descriptive multimodal approach. We obtain data, information and results of a population of 41 units of analysis that involves students and employers in the defined segment. Data collection was done between the months of May-June 2010 at occupation sites. The findings allow us to infer that all graduates are holding professional occupations, formal training received is according to the demands of the labor market, but it is not pertinent to the profile in some particular aspects, there is personal satisfaction of professional graduates and employers on work performance. It is detected the need, for the institution, to register the information about professional graduates who graduate each year-career, and that these information were communicated and known by students and other people involved in the labor market.


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Author Biography

Nilse Graciela Ferreira Altamirano

Doctora en Gestión Educacional por la Universidad Nacional de Itapúa; Docente Investigador – Área Ciencias Sociales-Educación – UNI

Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación – Especialista en Docencia Universitaria


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How to Cite

Ferreira Altamirano, N. G. (2010). Nivel y características de la ocupación laboral de profesionales egresados de tres carreras, FACEA, Sede Encarnación. Journal on Studies and Research of Academic Knowledge, (4), 42–45. Retrieved from



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