Carga micológica en áreas ocupacionales de una institución pública de Encarnación

Carga micológica en áreas ocupacionales de una institución pública de Encarnación


  • Fátima Villasanti Sánchez Universidad Nacional de Itapúa. Encarnación, Paraguay.
  • Tatiana Wieczorko Barán Universidad Nacional de Itapúa. Encarnación, Paraguay.



fungi, indoor air, microbiological load, work environment


According to WHO, 30% of the buildings around the world, new and remodeled, contain enough indoor air pollutants to impact negatively on health, among these microorganisms are fungi. Therefore, the objective of this research was to determine fungal genera in interior air, and their relationship with the microbiological quality of air in work environment. First, was made a general description of the study area, determining in duplicate, parameters and environmental factors of the sampling points in two main blocks. Subsequently, the samples were collected applying the plate sedimentation technique, according to Standard Methods; then, the microorganisms were incubated and counted by a colony counter, expressing in CFU; those who presented morphotypes of pathogenic colonies were isolated and characterized. As a result, fungal contaminants were found in all of the sampling units, highlighting Cladosporium, Curvularia, Penicillium and Aspergillus genera.In conclusion, the critical points in terms of air quality according to the microbiological load found, were points A3, A1 and B1; in them, poor ventilation, temperature and high humidity systems were observed.


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Author Biographies

Fátima Villasanti Sánchez, Universidad Nacional de Itapúa. Encarnación, Paraguay.

Ingeniera Ambiental, Profesora Investigadora de la UNI

Tatiana Wieczorko Barán, Universidad Nacional de Itapúa. Encarnación, Paraguay.

Ingeniera Ambiental, Profesora Investigadora de la UNI 


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How to Cite

Villasanti Sánchez, F., & Wieczorko Barán, T. (2018). Carga micológica en áreas ocupacionales de una institución pública de Encarnación. Journal on Studies and Research of Academic Knowledge, (12), 35–41.



Research Articles

