Mujeres Excluidas y Equidad de Género
Inequality, Vulnerability, Gender equity, Social PsychologyAbstract
This study started from the problem of the forms of inequality and vulnerability that women experience and that generates social exclusion due to the absence of gender equality. It was carried out in the city of Encarnación, Itapúa, Paraguay, during the months of March to August (2019). The study sought to describe the relationship between inequality and gender equity with respect to Social Psychology. Methodologically, it had a DITRIAC design as a cross-sectional mixed investigation. The concurrent modality was chosen because in this modality the collection and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data are constructed at the same time. A closed survey was applied, from a probabilistic sampling with a type of stratified random sampling, it had as a sample members of governmental and non-governmental institutions (Secretariat of Indigenous and Peasant Affairs of the Government of Itapúa, Municipality of Encarnación, CODEMU , Ministry of Public Defense, Division of Attention to Victims of Family Violence of the National Police and JCI) of the city of Encarnación, who are in charge of people who go through a situation of vulnerability such as ethnic origin, sexual orientation, unemployment, domestic violence, lack of own home, disability, conducting a survey.The most outstanding results have shown that it is necessary for gender equality to be valued and promoted not only by public authorities, through interventions and investments (policies and other measures), but also at the individual and community level. Said gender equity must be recognized as a human right and engine of development, through the work of Social Psychology.
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