Seed system, direct seeding, transplant, cultivar, onionAbstract
This research had as objective to evaluate the agronomic and productive behavior of two onion crops, under two methods of implantation in sandy loam soils, district of San Pedro del Paraná, Itapúa. The experimental design was randomized complete blocks arranged in divided plots, the main plot being the implantation methods: bare root and direct seeding, and the subplots: the variety INTA Colorada and Valencianita, totaling four treatments and six replicates. Agronomic and yield variables were measured. In the method of implantation by direct seeding the plants had up to 24% more height and 25% of pseudotallo growth. A shortening of the cycle was observed in 12 days and a flowering promotion of 5% for the INTA cultivar and 1% the Valencianita in direct sowing. There was a significant difference in the diameter of the bulb, 62% more for the direct sowing method, and 10% more diameter for the INTA cultivar. For the variables bulb weight and yield kg / ha the method of sowing yielded highly significant differences. 47% more by weight of bulb and 51% in kg / ha are registered in the direct sowing. Among the cultivars the INTA had a yield higher than 11% than the Valencianita.
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