Elaboración a escala laboratorio de un polímero Biodegradable a partir de Almidón extraído de Cáscara de Banana como base para Películas de Empaques

Elaboración a escala laboratorio de un polímero Biodegradable a partir de Almidón extraído de Cáscara de Banana como base para Películas de Empaques


  • María Noelia Silvero Sotelo Universidad Nacional de Itapúa. Encarnación, Paraguay.




Starch, Biodegradability, Biopolymer, Sheet


The main objective of this investigation was the elaboration of a biopolymer from starch extracted from banana peel. The starch obtained was tested by Lugol to verify its authenticity, and 40% of its yield was determined. The biopolymer was made through three trials (First, Second and Third) with varying proportions of ingredients in grams; Glycerin (10, 20, 20); Water (30, 40, 40); Acetic acid (10, 10, 20); Starch (10, 10, 10), respectively in each test, as a prototype of packaging material (sheet). Likewise, the three lots were subjected to tests of tensile strength, the first was that of elongation, where the second test obtained the highest percentage, the second test to which they were subjected was to the flexion, where the third and the second trial had a higher percentage. Finally, each test was subjected to biodegradability tests under two different conditions, in water and on the ground in the open. In the aqueous medium, the second test showed greater degradation. In the terrestrial medium the greatest decomposition had the first test. In the aqueous medium, the most pronounced degradations were obtained. With the results it was possible to demonstrate that it is feasible to make a bioplastic sheet from the starch extracted from banana peel, the most promising formula being the second test composed of 15 % of starch 14% of glycerin, 14% of acetic acid and 57% of water for their percentages of higher resistances.


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Author Biography

María Noelia Silvero Sotelo, Universidad Nacional de Itapúa. Encarnación, Paraguay.

Profesora Investigadora de la Universidad Nacional de Itapúa


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How to Cite

Silvero Sotelo, M. N. (2017). Elaboración a escala laboratorio de un polímero Biodegradable a partir de Almidón extraído de Cáscara de Banana como base para Películas de Empaques. Journal on Studies and Research of Academic Knowledge, (11), 9–14. https://doi.org/10.70833/rseisa11item171



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