Strategies of teaching, Generation of significative learning, Focus of teaching, Institucional conditions, Teacher s attitudeAbstract
The aim of the presten Studio consists in analize the effects of the teaching strategies and the relation between its implementation with the generation of significative learning in the students of Ciencias de la Educación Sciencie of Education career from Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Through application of questionnaire members of ruling body, teachers and students, like this the analysis of documents and the observation of classes, planned in an investigation of descriptive correlational type. The universe was adjusted for members of ruling body, technical personne, teachers and students. The pattern stay conformed by and academician, a technician, twenty two teachers and twenty five students. It could check and accept the formulated hypothesis, relationed to the academician focus that use the most of teachers at school, like this the comprobation of application of active an innovate strategies thak make a significative learning, showing the leading rolel of students in classes expandend for some teachers. The positive actitude from teachers and the institucional conditions, make the application of active strategies, almost the last aren’t determinant. Those results suggest the intervention in the kind of focus of teaching utilized by teacher for the classes, if reably wants to concrete the University Reform, so the pedagogical practice of them depend the expected change.
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