Sillas de Rueda Eléctricas con Sistemas de Control Automatizado y Soporte Electrónico Diferenciado para Personas Discapacitados a partir de Materiales Reciclados
Wheelchair, accessibility, technology, design, automated controlAbstract
Persons with disabilities have the same rights like everyone else, but at the same time, they may not be specifically prepared for the implementation of certain tasks due to their impediment. Knowing that many times is almost impossible to recover the lost capacity, since antiquity a large number of equipment which can emulate lost abilities have emerged. These devices have been refined over time to become more efficient machines, but this advantage has divided this resource among people who can and cannot afford them. The equipment for the disabled typically have very high prices, which involves that these resources are accessible to limited number of people. This project had a goal to collect recycled materials to build wheelchairs that, adding automated control technologies, is able to provide extended support to people who have some motor impairment. Through this process, we were able to determine the feasibility of implementing such systems.
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