Efectos Renales por Consumo Crónico de Etanol
kidney, alcohol, alcoholism, urea, creatinine, sodium, potassium, ionized, calciumAbstract
The kidney is one of the organs that can be affected by alcohol abuse with the possibility of various diseases occur, that without proper treatment causes serious complications in the patient. The aim of the study was to identify the renal effects of chronic ethanol consumption in patients attending "Alcoholic Anonymous" city of Encarnation, through the determination of urea, creatinine and electrolytes of patients, and correlating certain variables. The importance of this work lies in the lack of research and studies on renal disorders due to alcohol. The values of urea, creatinine and electrolytes obtained in the investigation showed that there are no obvious renal impairment in patients. 30 patients, of whom 70% had values within the reference range for urea and 93% of them had normal creatinine values were studied. The average value of serum urea was 39.1 +/-3.53 mg/dl with a 9.5-standard deviation; creatinine and it lits mean value was 1.14 +/- 0.078 mg/d with 0.209-standard deviation. The sodium and potassium values were normal for 100% of the study population and the calcium ion showed normal values for 43% of the population.
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