Eficiencia Energética en el Proceso de Secado en la Industria del Arroz en Paraguay
energy efficiency, furnace, biomass, husk of riceAbstract
In Paraguay biomass represents 50% of final consumption the energy matrix, and it is used in part precariously with low performance. The objective of this paper was to analyze the energy efficiency of biomass use in the drying process in the rice industry in Paraguay, considering drying plants medium size. Measurements were made in a typical industry and later the results were extrapolated nation wide. An average yield of about 25% in the drying process was obtained using a rudimentary wood in medium-sized industries. It is proposed to replace firewood by rice husk, which is a byproduct of this industry, which would be saving about 903 hectares of woodland each year, Improvements in energy efficiency through the optimization of the drying process and the use of new technologies are suggested.
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