Approaches to University Student Satisfaction.
Satisfaction, Students, Higher Education, Undergraduate careersAbstract
Student satisfaction refers to the level of well-being that students perceive when their academic expectations and needs are met. The objective of this study is to identify specialized literature about authors and theoretical approaches that deal with the topic of student satisfaction in the university environment. Methodology: Qualitative documentary-type research was conducted. Articles in Spanish and English were analyzed, from databases such as Google Scholar, Redalyc, Scielo, Scopus, etc. Articles from 2019 to 2023 were selected, using “university student satisfaction” as the search term. Results: Publications in English have the highest number of publications, eleven authors and eight theories that work on this topic were detected. The most used theories are the following: Theory of Educational Quality and the Theory of Student Satisfaction. Conclusions: This study provides relevant information regarding similarities and differences between the different authors and approaches that deal with the topic of university student satisfaction, which can be used for future studies on the subject.
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