Children's Architecture and its impact on the city, case of Encarnacion

Children's Architecture and its impact on the city, case of Encarnacion


  • Analía Isabel Chávez Adamy Universidad Católica “Nuestra Señora. de la Asunción”, Campus Itapúa. Facultad de Ciencias y Tecnología. Programa de Arquitectura. Encarnación, Paraguay
  • Alba María Fernández Fernández Universidad Católica “Nuestra Señora. de la Asunción”, Campus Itapúa. Facultad de Ciencias y Tecnología. Programa de Arquitectura. Encarnación, Paraguay


Early Childhood, Children's Center, Children's Architecture


The purpose of this paper is to generate a connection on the current means of doing architecture and the importance of integrating early childhood in the process of urban design of cities. The main objective was to evaluate the acquaintance of child inclusion in the city of Encarnación and the urban surroundings that promote early childhood development. The study explores the reality of the city in terms of architectural guidelines for children social inclusion along with indicating the transversal nature of architecture promoting culture, education, research and innovation. In this case study, the point of view of citizens, current infrastructures werer considered through a search for information on different internet platforms, books, magazines, field work and virtual interviews. It is concluded that in order to generate playful and integrative experiences of childhood in the city, it is necessary to develop a deep knowledge of the social, natural, cultural and economic conditions in which urban spaces will be studied. Likewise, the adequate rest of the child and the game in the patios designed as a base to merge architecture and pedagogy must be considered. Conversely, it is recommended to manage an urban intervention that highlights sustainable alternatives for the community and that is developed in a maintainable way in terms of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).


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Author Biography

Analía Isabel Chávez Adamy, Universidad Católica “Nuestra Señora. de la Asunción”, Campus Itapúa. Facultad de Ciencias y Tecnología. Programa de Arquitectura. Encarnación, Paraguay

Analia Isabel Chávez Adamy, actualmente  ejerciendo la profesión de arquitectura de modo independiente y colaborando en estudios. Ayudante de cátedra de Geometría Descriptiva 1 y Urbanismo 1 y 2 en la Universidad Católica - Paraguay. Dedicación al diseño de interiores y asesorias varias de construcción. Experiencia en dirección y montaje de mobiliario. 


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How to Cite

Chávez Adamy, A. I., & Fernández Fernández, A. M. . (2022). Children’s Architecture and its impact on the city, case of Encarnacion. Journal on Studies and Research of Academic Knowledge, (17), e2023009. Retrieved from



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